Another chaotic week it seems. We thought we were there and settled with our staff and BOOM yet another change. Unfortunately although we are glad to see Matthew returning, we are extremely sad to be loosing Debbie, our Shipston based Super Mom and Ciera our pack walk leader.

Poor Debbie has been suffering as M continues to grow...a rock star carrying her on her back for the past year during her walks, but that's taken it toll and its time to say goodbye. We wish Debbie all the luck with her new Marketing role and every continued success with her own Pottery Business.

We also say goodbye to Ciera as she ventures off into new beginnings, however this is a little let sorrowful as Ciera will still be working hard for us on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so keep watching our social media pages for the summer adventures she has.
Not all is lost though, we have had a great week of walks, the sun is shine and we are in a great financial position, well until we spend it all on treats for the newly named The Treat Hub..... Yes we know what your all think 'why have you changed the name its been like two weeks?'
Well we were approached by a company this week stating we were 'ripping off' their name. Now legally we are Gemma's Pet Services however to avoid any association with this company we have changed our name. If I'm being honest I didn't want to have to deal with any legal proceedings. Our reputation as a local business has grown in so many good ways in the past two and a half years that it was just easier! I can assure you though that however passive aggressive there communication was, I ensured to be clear how disappointing it was as a fellow small business owner they couldn't just call me up and say 'hey...would you mind changing your name' instead of a guns blazing legal letters. Anyway, its all fun and games.

So going back a step in minute we have bought in some very exciting new treat and we went stall equipment shopping as we have our first Natural Dog Treats sale at Harbury Carnival on the 10th June. We were kindly asked by the organisers to run the Dog Show again which went very well in 2022 so we are heading back just this time with the added bonus of being able to sell our wonderful treats.
We have seen lots of pups birthdays this week including Elton, Ziggy and Buddy and Buddy Lab. Where has the time gone!! We love to hear about your pups birthday so please do remind us. Unfortunately I struggle to remember Jodi's birthday let alone all the wonderful doggies we see.
We had an awesomely successful social walk a couple of weeks ago with some many doggies and their owners coming along and joining the hour long walk around Ettington Village, Warwickshire and along the Public Footpaths. It really was a spectacular sight to see. We cant wait for the next one on the 4th June and hopefully you and Gemma will be able to join in this time too.

Myself and Jodi also in the mist of this weeks chaos did manage to have an actually weekend off. A no dog weekend, well kind of. The gorgeous Frank, our stunning Nephew joined us for a BBQ and the Shipston Duck Race on Sunday which was great after Gemma spend Saturday partying at Lets Rock The Moor Festival, Cookham.

We are very much looking to the week ahead, however if you have dogs booked in with us be prepared for last minute changes with the warm weather coming as we move things around to keep the doggies safe and out of midday heat.
Until Next Time.....