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Where Did it All Begin? The GPS Story
After many years teaching and working with young adults, I decided to remove myself from the education sector. I wanted a better work life balance and to be able to spend more quality time with my family.

Jodi, now our Daily Operations Manager was hard at work on a local farm and in the Veterinary Surgery doing long hours and I had started walking friends and neighbours dogs.

Without a rational reason we both said

"If we don't do this, we never will".

Gemma's Pet Services was created, and we have never looked back.
We are so unbelievably thankful to have the reviews and reputation that we do in such a short period of time, and we are so excited about where the journey is taking us. We couldn't do what we do without the wonderful team we have and the support of the people around us. I for one will never have enough words to thank everyone for the quality time I now get to spend with our quickly growing Daughter.



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